Monday Aug 01, 2022
One Ocean, One Climate, One Future – Together
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
We are all connected by our oceans. We’re all surrounded by breath-taking coastlines and oceans that are home to magnificent marine wildlife. But it’s all increasingly under threat!
Hear from Dr Emily Lester MBiolSc '16, PhD '21, Dr Danielle Su PhD '20, and Dr Emily Pidgeon BE '92, who are at the forefront of research, protection and conservation of our oceans, discussing the biggest problems facing our oceans, and the solutions having the biggest impact on turning it around.
You’ll also discover how the UWA Oceans Institute serves the needs of the Western Australian community.
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Get noticed in today’s job market – make the most of your UWA community.
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Join Jacqueline Gower, MBA I Post Graduate Careers Services Manager, and our panel of UWA alumni for a discussion about what it takes to get noticed in today's global job market. You'll gain insight from each panellist’s pathway from UWA to industry, hear about their successes (and failures) and get top tips on how (and when) to get noticed. The panel includes:
Albert Ishak (BSc, BCom '10, BSc(Hons) '11)COO at Airbus Indonesia
Jona Peh BCom '20Expert Technology Recruitment Consultant at PERSOLKELLY
Venkatesh Parameswaran MBA '16Leadership and Strategy Coach at PVenkatesh.Com
Bjorn Teng Hui Gan BCom '15Founder at Masstige Asia
Eloise Zhang MBusInfo&LogMgt '19Project and Industry Relations Executivat at BritCham Shanghai
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Meet the Founders in New York
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Join Dr James Kelley (MMgtRes, PhD) – Co-Founder and CEO of qChange – along with our panel of UWA alumni entrepreneurs for a discussion about what it takes to create a successful enterprise. You'll gain insight from each panellist's unique entrepreneurial pathway, hear about their successes (and failures) and get top tips to help any budding entrepreneur.
The panel includes:
Nicole Bray (BA, BCom '02)Founder & President, Mercer Contemporary
Ken Watson (BE '96)CEO & Co-Founder at Stockperks
Jacqueline Bennett (BCom '04)Co-Founder & Managing Partner at Highlands Venture Partners
Harry Dixon (BEc, BCom '15)Co-Founder of Checkmate
Monday May 09, 2022
How can volunteering impact your career?
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
What are the personal and professional benefits of volunteering?
Join Clare MacNish, Volunteering Manager at UWA Guild Volunteering, and our global panel of UWA alumni for their top volunteer tips, and a discussion about how volunteering can impact your career.
Ash Dashlooty (BSc '03, MSc '11) Director Leadership Excellence, sp_ce
Rida Ahmed (BA '15) Ethics & Compliance, International Olympic Committee (IOC)
Audrey Ow (BSc '12) Senior Assistant Director, Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Meet the Founders
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
The prospect of launching a new start-up can be daunting. CEOs and founders of start-up businesses face many challenges: finding investors, raising start-up capital, building a management team, developing competitive products, adopting an effective marketing program, finding early customers and more.
Recorded on Tuesday 12 April, hear from Dr Antoine Musu – Co-Founder and Director of Commercialisation Studies Centre Ltd, Director of ILC Australia and Entrepreneurial Thinking, Learning, and Practice Educator at UWA – along with our panel of UWA alumni entrepreneurs for a discussion about what it takes to create a successful enterprise. You'll gain insight from each panellist's unique entrepreneurial pathway, hear about their successes (and failures) and get top tips to help any budding entrepreneur.
Julia Kay Co-CEO + Co-Founder at Great Wrap™. Visit >> https://www.greatwrap.co/
Mark Heath, Co-Founder, Co-CEO at VOLY. Visit >> https://www.getvoly.com/
Sheary Tan, Founder, Self Taught Nation. Visit >> https://www.selftaughtnation.com/
Dennis Savic, CEO - Savic Motorcycles. Visit >> https://www.savicmotorcycles.com/
Monday Apr 11, 2022
The future of healthcare in WA
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Health policy has rarely been higher on the international agenda than in the last two years. The pandemic has seen Western Australia’s health infrastructure go through its greatest and most unexpected stress test. Looking beyond this crisis, and further into the future towards 2050, how might the WA health system respond to emerging challenges? What new funding and service models are needed to facilitate better care? Can the recent responses to the pandemic help catalyse change in the WA health sector?
Join Director of the UWA Public Policy Institute Professor Shamit Saggar as he speaks with Dr Omar Khorshid, President of the Federal Australian Medical Association, about the future of healthcare in WA.
Monday Apr 04, 2022
How misinformation spreads faster than truth
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
How do we tackle misinformation online? What makes something 'fake news'? Who decides?
Business News Senior Journalist Matt McKenzie [BA, BEc ‘15], ABC Reporter Samantha Goerling BPHil(Hons) ‘19 and UWA School of Psychological Science Research Associate Dr Toby Prike untangle how misinformation spreads faster than truth.
Wherever you are in the world...
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Monday Mar 28, 2022
She Runs
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
UWA graduate Martina Ucnikova (MIntRelns ’13) co-Founded She Runs, a non-for-profit organisation focused on supporting women’s political, economic, and civic participation. Led by Independent Candidate for Australian Federal Seat of Curtin Kate Chaney (LLB ’98), this episode will provide insights and reflection into the diversity, drive and apathy required to get the best out of politics in Australia, and the impact of the She Runs Campaign School.
To learn more about She Runs, visit https://www.sheruns.org.au/
To learn more about Kate Chaney and her campaign, please visit https://www.katechaney.com.au/
Monday Mar 07, 2022
How to commercialise your innovation
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
There are many layers to a successful business. But what does it take to commercialise your innovation? Join Founder of Ginger Imagery and Marketing Manager at Bloom, Imogen Blow [BCom '18] and a cast of alumni who share their top tips for budding entrepreneurs, and steps to take commercialising your innovation.
Guest speakers
Jacqueline Bennett [BCom '04, MBA NYU Stern 2013, MBA London Business School 2013]
www.highlandsvp.com & www.commons.co
Dr Antoine Musu MBA '07, MBI '08, GradDipBusAdmin '08, DBA '21
Nate Sturcke BCom '15, GradCertEnt&Innov '17
https://skillsofthemodernage.com.au/ & https://skill.social/
Register today for the Meet the Founders webinar
Eager to learn more about Bloom? Visit Bloom's website, the Launchpad Unit Page, Bloom's Facebook page, Bloom's Instagram page, and our LinkedIn.
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality.
Moderated by UWA grad Hayley Winchcombe BPhil(Hons) '19, hear from four amazing UWA graduates, from diverse backgrounds and industries who’ve faced difficult circumstances and made tough choices. Learn about their journey, how resilience can be key to success, and help us celebrate their achievements.
Associate Professor Carmela Pestell BPsych '90, MPsych '93, MPsych '05Clinical Psychologist & Clinical Neuropsychologist (Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society)
Rebecca Johnston MBA ‘18 www.johnstonwheeler.com.auCompany Director | Legal Practice Director - Aviation, Drones & Space | Corporate & Commercial Law | Innovation & Technology | Ports, Transport & Logistics
Hannah Berdal LLB, BCom ‘16Associate at Latham & Watkins
Dr Honey Ng BA '96, BA(Hons) '97, PhD '08Deputy Director, pcf
Beyond the Hall of Winthrop
Sharing inspirational stories from the UWA community of graduates, researchers and students. Podcast guests discuss current issues, UWA events and offer their insights and advice.