
Friday Aug 28, 2020
From Cradle to Golden Years: A happy, healthy life
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
They say life is all about the journey. Even so, we all hope we are destined for comfortable, healthy and happy golden years.
Driven by passionate researchers and supported by visionary individuals and organisations, new discoveries, novel therapies and innovative programs for young and old are promising to significantly improve quality of life at birth, into childhood, adulthood and during our senior years.
Dr Sam Illingworth, Senior Lecturer, School of Biological Science, UWA Faculty of Science, hosted an expert panel of philanthropically funded researchers exploring innovative research at UWA that is providing life-changing improvements to health from birth, to childhood, adulthood and during senior years. Discover what novel therapies and innovative programs our researchers have been working on that have been supported by visionary individuals and organisations to improve our quality of life.

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Talia Strutt [BA '18, DipModLang '18] sits down with TEDxUWA speaker Pheobe Ho [BSc '18, BSc(Hons) '19], who in 2018 shared How your mental health lived experience can heal others. Talia learns what Pheobe has been up to since her TEDxUWA talk, gains insight into her previous role as UWA Student Guild Welfare Officer, and explores how one can turn their mental health lived experience of challenge and hardship into a tool for inspiring others to heal. Watch Pheobe's TEDxUWA talk here.
Find out more about TEDxUWA here @ facebook.com/TEDxUWA

Monday Aug 10, 2020
Humm: A wearable that stimulates your brain to improve memory
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
From UWA to Silicon Valley! Iain McIntrye, Andy Henson and the Berkeley, California-based company hope to help people continue to learn and grow throughout their lives through their wearable patch.
Listen and learn how an idea that that was born at UWA, is now making waves by launching smart patches (as simple as a Band-Aid) as a memory aid for everyday use.
Visit https://thinkhumm.com/ today!

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
What is it like to be a role model? Join TEDxUWA Founder & Licensee Thea Kurniawan [BSc '18] and two-time Olympian Heidi Gan [LLB, BCom '15], discuss the impact of being kept on a pedestal for being an Olympian, the ripple effect it's had on her life and studies, and how Heidi defines success.
Watch Heidi's TEDxUWA talk here.
Find out more about TEDxUWA here: https://www.facebook.com/TEDxUWA

Monday Aug 03, 2020
A global leader in sustainable water resource management
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
In this episode, we meet Alex Whitebrook [BA '17], whose greatest passion is sustainable water resource management. Although initially interested in food and water security during his studies at UWA, this interest evolved into a deeper passion away from 'security' towards a concern for social wellbeing of people facing environmental challenges. From giving presentations on water scarcity to Swiss and Egyptian government representatives, to grassroots research and advocacy with the World Youth Parliament for Water, Alex is driven by a passion to see a sustainable future for humanity.
Also check out Alex's blog, mentioned in this podcast: www.peopletakingaction.org

Friday Jul 31, 2020
Top 5 tips for finding work during (and post) the COVID-19 Pandemic
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
How can you stand out during (and long after) this pandemic? Group People Advisor at Mother, Michelle Hammond [BSc '14, BSc(Hons) '17] walks us through her journey from studying Psychology at UWA, moving to London, working in HR, and how technology and the pandemic are making an impact. Michelle will give you insight into finding work, standing out from the crowd by seizing the opportunity provided by change to grow and thrive.

Monday Jul 27, 2020
Smashing the glass ceiling in Japan
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Australian businesswoman Melanie Brock [BA '89] is one of Japan’s most respected APAC specialists. Ms Brock, who has lived in Japan for over 30 years, shares her passion for life-long learning, championing for women in business, and gives insight into her past (and current) board roles, including becoming a non-executive director of the Tokyo-listed Sega Sammy Holdings.

Thursday Jul 23, 2020
TEDxUWA Thursdays: Dr Ann-Marie Anderson-Mayes BSc '90 Mr
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Dr Ann-Marie Anderson-Mayes is passionate about lifelong learning and developing creative confidence – for all ages. Joined by Nithin Srinaath [BSc '16], Dr Anderson-Mayes walks us through her journey from majoring in Physics at UWA as the only woman in her cohort, to starting her own embroidery business which led her to speaking at TEDxUWA's first ever event in 2016.
Find out more about TEDxUWA's first event, TEDxUWASalon: Revival here.
Follow TEDxUWA on Facebook and Instagram.
Dr Ann-Marie Anderson-Mayes is a hand embroidery artist based in Perth, WA. She has been stitching for as long as she can remember, but only took it up full-time in 2012 when she started her business, Beautiful Stitches. Her former professional career as a scientist was strongly grounded in mathematics, and that passion for geometry and number is clearly expressed in her embroidery designs. It is all about colour and pattern!

Monday Jul 20, 2020
Fighting for equality amidst global crises
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Meet human rights lawyer Peter Reading* [BA(Hon), LLB '98], Senior Legal Counsel at Equal Opportunities Commission in Hong Kong. Peter discusses working as an international human rights lawyer, modernising anti-discriminaiton laws, LGBT rights in Asia, #BlackLivesMatter movement, plus the impact COVID-19 has had on people of different races, disabilities and socio-economic status.
BIOPeter is an international human rights lawyer who has been working in the field of human rights for 20 years in Australia, the United Kingdom, Europe, Commonwealth countries, and most recently in Hong Kong China.
Since November 2012, Peter has been working at the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) in Hong Kong, as Legal Counsel and most recently as Senior Legal Counsel. He has been leading a number of large scale advocacy projects such as the Discrimination Law Review to modernise the existing anti-discrimination legislation, and advocacy relating to equality for LGBTI people.
*The views expressed in the podcast by Peter Reading are his personal views only and not attributable to any organisation

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
TEDxUWA Thursdays: Dr. David Gozzard
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
PhD student and scientific advisor for TEDxUWA Leanne Jiang [BSc '17, BSc(Hons) '18], and Dr David Gozzard [BSc, BE '14, PhD '18] who's returned to UWA as a Forrest Fellow to work on laser sensors and communications for spacecraft, hold a conversation about David's time as a TEDxUWA speaker, spacejunk, and advice to those PhD bound.
Find out more about TEDxUWA and our first event, TEDxUWASalon: Revival, here:

Beyond the Hall of Winthrop
Sharing inspirational stories from the UWA community of graduates, researchers and students. Podcast guests discuss current issues, UWA events and offer their insights and advice.