Monday Nov 05, 2018
The McCusker Centre for Citizenship’s Community Conversations series - Shakira Donovan [BSc '17]
The McCusker Centre for Citizenship’s Community Conversations series – Shakira Donovan
The McCusker Centre for Citizenship at UWA, is a unique Centre that aims to inspire students and the Western Australian community to become active citizens in our local, regional and global communities through its internship program, academic units and events.
Shakira recently completed a Bachelor of Science (Psychology) at the University of Western Australia. During her undergraduate studies, Shakira became interested in the intersection of mental and physical health with international development, leading her to successfully apply for an internship through the McCusker Centre for Citizenship at UWA at the international advocacy organisation, Global Citizen, in New York City to work on their Global Health campaign. There, she became passionate about universal health coverage and health systems improvement which she now plans to explore as a postgraduate student.
Shakira went on to complete the Pathways to Citizenship unit at the McCusker Centre for Citizenship at UWA where strengthened her belief in the importance of active and global citizenship and its positive impact on the community. Shakira dedicates much of her time to volunteering and is a member of the McCusker Centre for Citizenship at UWA Student Advisory Committee through which she seeks to help shape university-based citizenship initiatives and encourage students to be compassionate, active members of their communities.