Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Career Acceleration Strategies for Women with Shona Rowan - International Speaker, Trainer and Success Coach
Would you like to inspire, develop and retain your female staff? Or boost your own performance as a woman in business?
Shona Rowan is passionate about empowering women to step up, stand out and maximise their success in highly competitive environments. As an international speaker, trainer and success coach, Shona has spent the last 15 years helping thousands of women accelerate their success by increasing their influence, confidence, personal impact, visibility, networking and communication skills. Her practical programs and inspirational events equip women with specific mindsets, behaviours and strategies needed to claim the success they desire and deserve.
Shona’s unique and results-driven approach looks at both the internal and external aspects of success and draws on her qualifications in Psychology, NLP, Hypnotherapy and Peak Performance coaching and her real-life experience as an elite athlete, ranked 6th in the world as a competitive ballroom dancer. Her clients include Gold Fields, Ashurst, DLA, Shell UK/Australia, Citi Bank, The University of Western Australia, Lockton London/Dubai, TATA UK and Women in Subsea Engineering.
If you would like to inspire, develop and retain your female staff, or accelerate your own success – see www.shonarowan.com/empowering-women or email support@shonarowan.com